The EUCALIVA project had its review meeting in Brussels on the 4rd of June.
The Consortium met with the Project Officer of the project and 2 external evaluators for the assessment of the current situation of EUCALIVA. This meeting was held at the BBI Headquarters in Brussels (Belgium).
During the meeting, the Coordinator of the project (CTA) gave an overal explantion of what was done in PR1 and explained how the management of the project is being done. Then, the different work packages leaders (GZI, BIO and CTA) gave a brief presentation regarding the work done and to be done in ther WPs.
Both the Project Officer and the External Evaluator listened to the explainations, asked questions, gave advices and commented their impresiones regarding the implementation, until now, of the project.
This review meeting was used too, as a tool to update the partners on the work carried out, on issues encountered and potencial delays detected.